Annick Nadeau

Annick Nadeau graduated from the University of Montreal with a cumulative Bachelor’s Degree consisting of a Certificate in International Business from the École des hautes études commerciales (HEC) and two Minors in Economic Science and in East-Asian Studies. She studied Literature and Communication at College Jean-de-Brébeuf where she won two awards of excellence: best script development and news reporting.

In 1998, she helped launch the Cirque du Soleil’s East-Asian regional office in Singapore, and worked five years planning tours under the supervision of Jacques Renaud (photo), author of the recent book: Le Management d’événement (Event Management). She was also in charge of Public Affairs, Internal Communications and Social Affairs. She then implemented Cirque du Monde, circus art programs for marginalized teens, in several Australians cities. This other Asian experience gave her the opportunity to travel to numerous neighboring countries: Japan, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Turkey.

As an Event Planning specialist, Annick Nadeau can rely on her excellent intercultural communication skills and her solid knowledge of the Chinese language. She attended a Chinese elementary school in Taipei for six years and is as fluent in Mandarin Chinese as she is in Cantonese.

Earlier in her career, she worked as Research Assistant for a book on Hong Kong and for several National Film Board (NFB) documentaries regarding Chinese issues. She has accompanied Radio-Canada reporter Bernard Drainville ("Les affaires et la vie") for a radio-reporting program on the Chinese economy.

Recently, Annick Nadeau has played a key role in relocating Alcan employees in the Ningxia region. She has helped the families settle and was instrumental in the opening of an international school in that area (photo).

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